发布时间:2020-10-31 09:33
Pursue Sport Pursue Beauty
In China, the term Sport and the term Physical Education are exchangeable literally and practically. That is not right. For me sport is a way to feel the thrilling experience of life; pursuing nothing but beauty. To promote sports spirit I ran for the presidency of the Athletics Department in Student Union rather than the president of the Union.
Running for the position had no surprises, not only because I was well known as an athlete in the basketball court and track and field, but also because nobody was interested in the position. Still I was excited and I swore I would make sports exciting to everybody on campus.
For the first organized activity, I chose what I was good at —basketball. Before the sophomore tournament, I organized a less serious game in order to invite students, interests in sports and basketball. But the survey result disappointed me: only five teams from different classes were interested in a basketball tournament. No way could NBA games be exciting with only five teams to compete with each other; audiences would get bored without long term expectation and anticipation. “So what should we do?” I asked. “Nothing,” one vice president replied. “There should be something that we can do to make it right,” I said hopefully. “If girls could join that would be good,” a boy tried. t.qq.com/dalianliuxue000 aBingo, that’ s great, we could modify the rule for our basketball game,” a girl added. We shouted, yelled, argued, and eventually, we agreed: our game would have three players instead of five, regardless of sex and age while teams are only split by Junior and Senior, and even teachers could join in the senior game.
At the end of twenty days’ solicitation, we got thirty-two teams registered in total; almost all with boys and girls mixed, and five teams with teachers included. In consideration of so many new-comers for basketball, we slightly changed the rules: we changed the three seconds violation into five and eased the traveling violation, and made each half of the game be 15 minutes. “This is not ‘Basketball, anymore; it is ‘our basketball’,” the girl who had first suggested changing the rules claimed.
The basketball tournament changed the atmosphere of campus. People started becoming interested in sports, which brought them excitement, relief, and laughs. Sports added so much fun to our lives and it also changed our attitude to our studies and team-ship.
The success of the game also brought credit for me. After the game, I was assigned to take charge in organizing 6th YHHS Recreational Sports Meeting, YHHS Spring Sports Meeting, and YH High School Sophomore Basketball Tournament. I learned so much in organizing these events, and I was proud of my team. Without their enthusiastic support I wouldn’ t have enjoyed so much of the work - an opportunity to pursue something - beauty that gave me the same feeling as winning a sport game。
在中国,“运动”和“体育’’这两个词经常可以在字面上或者在实践中互换使用。这是不正确的。 对我来说,运动是一种感受生命激情的方式,它追求的仅仅是一种美。为了弘扬真正的运动精神,我放弃了竞选学生会主席,而参加了学生会体育部部长的竞选。
组织第一次活动的时候,我选择了我擅长的篮球。在二年级联赛开始之前,我打算组织一次娱乐性的比赛,让同学们对篮球和运动产生兴趣。然而调研结果却让我失望不.已:只有五支队伍有兴趣参加 篮球联赛。要是美国NBA联赛只有五支队伍参加的话肯定也不会精彩,观众会因为没有什么期待而感 到厌烦的。“那么我们怎么办呢? ”我问道。“什么都不做。”学生会的一位副主席回答我说。“一定 有办法让这次联赛进行下去的。”我信心满满地说。“如果女生也能够参加就好了。” 一个男生试探性 地说。“对啊,这个主意太好了,我们可以修改篮球联赛的规则”,一个女生补充道。我们不禁高兴地大叫,欢呼,就这个问题我们也有过争论,但是最终我们达成了共识:这次联赛每支队伍不再只有三个人,而是五个人,队员不限制性别和年龄,全部队伍只按照低年级和高年级来分组,甚至老师也可以参 加高年级队伍。
经过二十天的宣传,总共有32支队伍注册参加比赛,几乎所有的队伍都是男女混搭,其中五支队 伍中有老师参加。考虑到很多参赛人员都是新手,我们稍稍修改了一下规则:我们将三秒违例放宽成五秒违例,去掉了走步违例的规则,并且规定全场比赛分为上下半场,半场15分钟。“这不再是那个‘篮 球’了,而是‘我们的篮球’ ”,提议改变规则的女生感叹道。
这次篮球联赛改变了校园的氛围。大家开始对运动产生浓厚的兴趣,因为运动让他们感到刺激和释放,为他们带来欢笑。运动给我们的生活添加了如此多的乐趣,也让我们改变了对学习和团队合作 的态度。
这次联赛的成功也让我获得了奖励。比赛结束后,我被推举为第六届YH中学趣味运动会,YH中学 春季运动会和YH中学二年级篮球联赛的负责人。组织这些比赛让我获益良多,我也为我的团队感到自 豪。如果没有他们积极地协助,我也不可能如此享受我的工作,这份工作给我了一个去追求美的机会,这让我体会到和获得比赛胜利同样兴奋的感觉。
“运动”和“体育”是我们常常见到的两个词,然而二者之间的区别与联系却并不是每个人都留意到的。作者显然留意到了这一点,并且通过描写组织篮球联赛的实例阐释出了自己的理解—— 体育是为了获得胜利,而运动却是为了参与其中,享受乐趣。从五支参赛队伍到三十二支参赛队伍,作者通过细节描绘讲述了一个让人振奋的故事,同时首尾段的呼应突出了文章的主题:运动是追求美的过程,而不是简单追求胜利的过程。
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